Last updated
Last updated
Games launches
Meme token staking starts
Collaborate with global teams
Investment influx
Airdrop redemption is available
Token listing on DEX
Listing on CEX
Listing on more top CEXs
$YOME buyback
Token burning starts
Introduce multiple blockchain games.
YOME platform API open
Future Plans
—Connect with more web3 communities on Telegram to attract players.
—Partner with various chains while maintaining a 1:1 token ratio across them to keep the total YOME token supply constant.
We'll introduce partnerships with Ton, L3, and other chains in the future to draw more players to Yome.
—Open up interfaces to welcome web3 blockchain games, making YOME a hub for web3 gaming accessible to all players.
— Most of the game profits will be used to buy back $YOME tokens.